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FITech offers new courses on energy storages

Julkaistu 19.9.2019

18 courses available free of charge – study majority of them online

Did you know that when demand for electricity is low at night, pumped hydro facilities store the energy from nuclear plants for later use during peak demand?

By charging storage facilities with energy generated from renewable sources, we can reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and our dependence on fossil fuels.

This is just an example how knowledge in energy storage will be valuable in the future.

FITech offers selected courses on energy storages

Studies are answer to the increasing need of energy storage professionals. Selected studies from seven technical universities consist of 18 courses.

It is possible to study only individual courses or whole 25–30 ECTS modules. You can study majority of the courses online and everything is free of charge. First courses start in September 2019.

Courses are related to three different themes: Application and technologies, Chemistry and materials, and Energy markets and business models.

Applications and technologies” theme will focus on different small and large-scale as well as short and long term energy storage and conversion technologies and applications.

Chemistry and materials” theme will concentrate on understanding chemistry, processes and properties of different materials that are used in different type of energy storage technologies (lithium ion batteries, supercapacitors etc.) today and in the future.

Finally, “Energy markets and business models” theme will focus on flexible energy resources utilisation enabling business models, regulation, and future energy market structures. Future operation and planning principles based on active utilisation of renewables and flexible energy resources need development of compatible business models.

Learn more about FITech Energy Storage project here.

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