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Artificial intelligence

Yksittäinen kurssi

Max amount of FITech students: 150

Persons without a valid study right at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences have preference to this course.

The course presents a range of central AI techniques and provides the students with an extensive toolbox for solving problems in practice. For applications that require high degree of adaptation, specific techniques such as (deep) machine learning, reinforcement learning, and graphical models are included. These methods are instrumental for decision under uncertainty. For the purposes of knowledge representation and reasoning, different logical representations such as formulas and rules are covered. These representations establish the foundations for declarative problem solving and enable the use of state-of-the-art solver technology to search for solutions. The course also encourages students to combine the logical and machine learning perspectives when solving future problems.

Artificial intelligence (AI) tackles complex real-world problems, such as question answering, speech recognition, social network analysis, and task scheduling, with rigorous mathematical methods and tools. The goal of this course is to give an in-depth introduction to AI methodology while approaching the topic from the perspective of concrete application problems.

Learning outcomes

Having completed the course, you have

  • gained a comprehensive overview of AI and understand its fundamental principles related to machine learning and logical reasoning.
  • excellent premises for solving real-world problems with modern AI techniques and building intelligent systems by implementing such techniques.

Course material

The course material will be available on the course page.

Teaching schedule

Participants can attend lectures and exercise groups on campus but attendance is not required.

  • Lectures on campus on Thursdays at 12:15-14 (no mandatory participation).
  • Exercise groups on campus on Tuesdays at 14:15-18 (no mandatory participation).
  • Exam 10.4. on campus (mandatory).

Completion methods

  • Mandatory weekly homework, including programming tasks.
  • The course can be completed online excluding the exam on campus (material and homework online).

More information in the Aalto University study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.


Lisätietoa opintojen suorittamisesta

Tiina Porthén

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
Hakuaika on päättynyt
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Tekoäly ja koneoppiminen
0 €
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Kuka voi hakea:
Ohjelmointitaidot (kurssi CS-A1110 tai vastaavat tiedot), tietorakenteet ja algoritmit (kurssi CS-A1140 tai vastaavat tiedot), todennäköisyysteorian perusteet (kurssi MS-A050* tai vastaavat tiedot) sekä lineaarialgebra.
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