Takaisin kaikki kurssit

Control and simulation principles of drives and converter systems

Yksittäinen kurssi

The generalised machine theory is the subject of modeling the electric machines and drives as well as the power system. It needs understanding of e.g. electrical machines in space phasor models, axes transformations and dynamic modeling. The theory given on this course will be applied on the machines, drives and power electronics converter modelling and control. Instantaneous active and reactive power theories are taught and their applications are introduced.

Course contents

This course will cover following topics:

  • The matrix equation of the basic rotating machines
  • Reference frame theory
  • Theory of symmetrical induction and synchronous machines
  • The instantaneous power theories
  • Reference frame theory used in the analysis and simulation of power systems and drives
  • Basic voltage and current controllers for power electronics converters

Learning outcomes

After completing this course successfully, the student

  • understands the latest development in electronics, machines and modern control theory,
  • understands the machine models with power electronics,
  • has developed their analytical abilities for understanding electrical machines dynamics,
  • has a general approach for modeling of electromechanical devices,
  • has an overview about simulation of drives in power systems as well as about the dynamics and control of grid-connected inverters.

The course develops lifelong learning and interpersonal skills.

Course material

Lecture material and other material announced on lectures.

Text books:

  • ”Modern power electronics and AC drives.” Bose, B. K. Prentice-Hall (2002): 1681-1685.
  • “Electric Motor Drives – Modeling, Analysis and Control,” R. Krishnan, Prentice-Hall of India.
  • “Fundamentals of Electric Drives”, Gopal K Dubey, Narosa.
  • “Electric Drives – Concepts and Applications”, Vedam Subrahmanyam, Tata McGraw Hill.
  • “Electric Machinery Fundamentals 5th”,  Stephen Chapman, McGraw Hill.
  • “Power Electronics: Devices, Circuits, and Applications”, fourth edition Muhammad H. Rashid, Prentice-Hall, Inc, (1993).

Teaching schedule

  • Lectures in Zoom on Mondays at 10-12 between 17.2.-23.3 and 7.4.  On Monday 31.3. and 22.4. 8-10. And on Tuesday 22.4. 10-12. (Lectures are recorded).
  • Simulation exercises:

Exercise 1 with Matlab software (Mustafa), Thursday 6.3. at 10-11 (Zoom)

Introduction to exercise 1 (will be recorded)

Exercise 2 with Matlab software (Mustafa), Thursday 24.4. at 10-11 (Zoom)

Introduction to exercise 2 (will be recorded)

  • Deadline to return simulation exercise reports through Moodle is 10.5.
  • Written assignment topics 10.5.
  • Online course exam in Moodle 12-17.5.

Completion methods

The teaching will be hybrid (on campus with Zoom link), no compulsory parts on campus. Flexible study methods are pursued for FITech student. Course Grading: passed or fail.

  • Lectures 20 h
  • Simulation / laboratory exercises & independent work 115 h
  • Final examination
  • Written assignment, done individually (not a group work, topics can be found from the course Moodle page).

More information in the University of Vaasa study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.


Vaasan yliopisto
Mustafa Alrayah Hassan Ibraheem

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
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Energiavarastoinnin sovellukset ja teknologiat
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Kuka voi hakea:
Basic knowledge about electrical engineering is recommended
Kenelle kurssi sopii:
Future energy storage professionals
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