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Artificial intelligence

Yksittäinen kurssi

Max amount of FITech students: 30

Persons without a valid study right at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences have preference to this course.

This course presents the student overview of some of the basic AI theories and applications with practicality in mind. In the course projects, students get some experience in programming AI based applications and using especially AI based search methods.

Course contents

Intelligent agent types, uninformed search methods, informed (heuristic) search, local search, constraint satisfaction problems, adversarial search, uncertainty handling, probabilistic reasoning, utility, machine learning, decision networks, Markov decision process, reinforcement learning, applications

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, students

  • know the basic search strategies that can be applied in problem solving and optimization
  • understand how search-based decisions are made in game-like competitive applications
  • know the basic principles of probabilistic reasoning in artificial intelligence systems
  • know how rational decision making under uncertainty can be formulated using utility theory
  • understand the fundamentals of machine learning and how some of the established methods can be applied to problems in AI
  • are familiar with advanced AI applications of perception and robotics and how probabilistic inference and machine learning can be used in these settings.

Teaching schedule

The course is organised online, but the exam needs to be done on campus (using exam.oulu.fi on request).

  • Lectures on Wed and Thu 14-16 (can be followed remotely & lecture slides will be available in Moodle)
  • Materials added to Moodle course page as course progresses
  • Two compulsory project works (deadlines in mid-February and mid-March)
  • Six voluntary exercises (DL weekly)
  • Exam (the projects and exercises give additional points for the exam)
  • All deadlines are confirmed in the beginning of the course

More details about the implementation and schedule will be available at the Moodle course page after the course start.

More information in the University of Oulu study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

AI tekoäly datankäsittely data-analyysi prosessointi koneoppiminen

Lisätietoa opintojen suorittamisesta

Oulun yliopisto
FITech-yhteyshenkilö Oulu

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
Hakuaika on päättynyt
Hakuaika on päättynyt
Tekoäly ja koneoppiminen
0 €
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Hakuaika on päättynyt
Oulun yliopisto
Kuka voi hakea:
Kurssi "521160P Introduction to Artificial Intelligence" on suositeltava, mutta ei pakollinen. On myös suositeltavaa, että opiskelijalla on aiempia opintoja liittyen todennäköisyyksiin, tilastotieteeseen ja Python-ohjelmointiin.
Kenelle kurssi sopii:
Tekoälystä kiinnostuneet, joilla on taustaa ohjelmoinnista tai tietojenkäsittelytieteestä
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