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Battery fabrication and testing

Yksittäinen kurssi

Batteries are integral to modern technology, powering devices from portable electronics like smartphones and laptops to electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage systems that support smart grids and renewable energy sources. Battery manufacturers utilise diverse fabrication technologies and testing methods to optimise performance and reliability.

This course offers students both theoretical knowledge and practical principles of lithium-ion battery cell fabrication and testing. Through virtual battery testers, students will gain hands-on experience in a simulated environment, enhancing their understanding of real-world applications.

Course contents

The course comprises five lectures:

  • Introduction to various battery architectures
  • Battery components and cell fabrication methods
  • Overview of battery cell testing
  • Testing protocol design and best practices
  • Novel systems and advancements in battery technologies

In addition to lectures, students will access virtual battery testers via the Moodle platform. Based on these virtual laboratories, students are required to compose a report summarizing their completed exercises.

Students will be divided into groups to prepare and present on selected topics to the entire class (one life session), fostering collaboration and in-depth exploration of specific areas.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to

  • Identify and classify battery cell architectures: Understand different battery designs and categorise them based on structure and functionality
  • Recognize advantages and disadvantages of various battery chemistries: Evaluate the pros and cons of different battery materials and chemistries
  • Explain methods of battery cell fabrication: Describe various fabrication techniques used in producing battery cells
  • Compare battery cell testing methods: Classify and assess different methods used for testing battery cells
  • Interpret and sssess battery testing results: Analyse testing data to evaluate battery performance and reliability
  • Design basic test protocols for battery cells: Develop testing procedures tailored to specific battery types and applications.

Course material

Lecture slides and video recordings of lectures. Virtual battery testers: Interactive simulations accessible via the Moodle platform.

Teaching methods

Lectures are provided as online recordings, available for students to access at their convenience. Students will also have continuous access to virtual laboratory devices through the Moodle platform, with no need for additional software.

Completion methods

To successfully complete the course, students are required to:

  • Complete the virtual laboratory exercises and submit a comprehensive report.
  • Actively participate in group work, including the preparation and presentation of a selected topic.

More information in the University of Oulu study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.


Oulun yliopisto
Rafal Sliz, Apulaisprofessori

Lisätietoa opinnoista

Oulun yliopisto

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
Aloita tästä
Aloita tästä
Energiavarastoinnin sovellukset ja teknologiat,
Kemia ja materiaalit energiavarastoinnissa
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