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Fuzzy systems

Yksittäinen kurssi

Max amount of FITech students: 60 adult learners

Are you interested in image processing, pattern recognition or systems control? This course gives you insight about how you can perform these and many other task with fuzzy logic. You learn to implement simple fuzzy algorithms from scratch and use existing popular tools.

Course contents

  • Fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic and fuzzy numbers
  • Type-1 and Type-2 Mamdani and Sugeno inference systems
  • Learning fuzzy models from data
  • Applications of fuzzy methods to data analysis, control theory and image processing
  • Mathematical foundations of fuzzy logic

Learning outcomes

After having passed the course you are able to

  • describe the basic concepts of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic
  • explain how fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic differ from traditional set theory and logic
  • explain how fuzzy methods compare to other probabilistic approaches to model uncertainty
  • apply fuzzy methods to model and solve various engineering problems such as pattern recognition, systems control and image processing
  • implement simple fuzzy algorithms from scratch and use existing popular tools
  • critically read scientific publications applying fuzzy methods and reproduce the experiments.

Course material

Prerecorded videos, lecture slides, exercise handouts. Scientific articles and other reading material distributed during the class.

Teaching schedule

Schedule will be published later in Peppi (University of Vaasa study guide). There will be some deadlines for exercises etc.

Completion methods

  • The grade is determined based on the exam and project work.
  • The grade can be further improved by active participation in the teaching sessions and returning weekly exercises.
  • Grade: 1 – 5 or fail.

More information in the University of Vaasa study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

algoritmi, matematiikka


Vaasan yliopisto
Jani Boutellier
Vaasan yliopisto
Luca Ferranti

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FITech-yhteyshenkilö Vaasa

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
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Kuka voi hakea:
Some programming experience. Particularly, knowing basic programming concepts and techniques and being able to write simple functions and algorithms in at least one programming language. Also recommended: Depending on the application area the student chooses for the project work, familiarity with at least one of the following might be beneficial, but not needed (all necessary knowledge will be revised during the class): mathematical logic, probability theory, control theory, image processing, data analysis.
Kenelle kurssi sopii:
People working with data analysis, image processing or systems control or need probabilistic approaches in their work.
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