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Introduction to Internet

Yksittäinen kurssi

Max amount of FITech students: 30

Persons without a valid study right at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences have preference to this course.

The course introduces the basic basic concepts, key terminology and design principles, functionality and challenges of the Internet and its architecture. The students are taken through the Internet protocol stack from the data link layer, through network and transport layers up to the application layer. It also introduces the basics of the Internet security and multimedia applications.

Course contents

  • Introduction and motivation
  • Architecture and design principles
  • Data link layer (basics, wired/wireless networks)
  • Network layer (IPv4, IPv6, routing)
  • Transport layer (TCP, UDP)
  • Internet applications
  • Network security
  • Multimedia & QoS
  • Challenges & Future trends

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students know and understand the basic concepts, know the key terminology and can write clearly with justifications about the following key areas of the course, which are

  • the design principles of the Internet, its architecture, functionality and challenges.
  • the role of the data link layer and the most important access network technologies.
  • the structure and the most important protocols of the TCP/IP protocol stack.
  • the most important internet applications and their protocols.
  • the basic principles of internet security and multimedia applications.

Additionally, students who have attained grades 2 or 3 have demonstrated satisfactory capability to perform practical software implementation work and/or solving Internet-related problems relevant to most centric course key areas. Students who have attained grades 4 or 5 have demonstrated solid capability to perform practical software implementation work and analytical skills for solving technical and research problems relevant to the course key areas.

Teaching schedule

  • Lectures and calculation exercises will be recorded and made available in Moodle.
  • First lecture 11.3. and last mid-term exam 29.4.
  • Course work deadline is 6.5.2024 and final exam is held 20.5.2024.

Completion methods

Course consists of lectures, exercises, lab exercises and programming work.

Passing the course requires mastery of the essential core content of the course. Continuous assessment and exams are provided for students to show that they have attained this level. Higher grades are attained by participating in and completing, either alone or in groups, to non-mandatory exercises and exams on advanced course topics. More detailed information on assessment is published yearly in the lecture material and in the course web page in Moodle.

More information in the University of Oulu study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.


Oulun yliopisto
Erkki Harjula

Lisätietoa kurssista ja suorittamisesta

Oulun yliopisto
FITech-yhteyshenkilö Oulu

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
Hakuaika alkaa 13.11.2024
Hakuaika alkaa 13.11.2024
Pilvi- ja verkkopalvelut
0 €
Kurssin taso:
Kurssin ajankohta:
Haun alkamispäivä:
Viimeinen hakupäivä:
Oulun yliopisto
Kuka voi hakea:
Essential computer skills, basic programming skills
Kenelle kurssi sopii:
Bachelor and Master level students
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