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Market analysis

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The overarching aim of the course is to broaden your understanding of what markets are, and how firms and other actors create, shape, and engage with markets, particularly in international business environments.

During the course, you will learn

  • different theoretical conceptualizations of markets and market actors’ role(s) in international business contexts;
  • how to analyze markets from the perspective of different actors; and
  • how to interpret and convey the results of such analyses to others.

Key concepts covered in the course include the making and shaping of product and service markets, market innovation, and international market selection, entry, and expansion, from the perspective of individual actors as well as networks of actors. We will also discuss ethical aspects of the above issues. The course prepares you for challenging professional assignments related to market strategy issues, e.g. as a marketing manager, external or internal consultant, or entrepreneur. By providing a foundational understanding of how firms and markets relate to each other, the course also acts as a platform for subsequent advanced-level courses in international marketing.

You will learn key models and concepts related to market selection, market entry, market making and market shaping. You will also learn how to write cases.

After the course, participants should be able to

  • Understand central models and concepts related to market selection, market entry, market making and market shaping.
  • Apply these models and concepts in the production and analysis of practical business cases.
  • Select and process academic literature and other material in order to identify relevant actors and networks engaged in market making, market shaping, market innovation, as well as international market selection, entry and expansion, and the agendas and key interests of the identified actors.
  • Produce detailed, balanced, and factually correct case descriptions of the interplay between actors and markets in international business contexts.
  • Successfully present cases to others, providing a platform for insightful discussion of the underlying dynamics, tensions, and ethical issues.

Course material

Course materials will be distributed electronically after the course start.

Teaching methods

Lectures will be streamed and recorded when applicable. It is possible to complete the course without being physically present, but real-time participation in a minimum number of group exercises (to be held on Fridays) is mandatory.

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10.00-11.30. A detailed schedule will be available on the course Moodle on August 30, 2021.

Completion methods

Case (incl. presentation), literature tests, learning diary.

During the course, online open-book literature tests will be organized. These can be completed from home but need to be completed within a set time window.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.


Åbo Akademi
Wilhelm Barner-Rasmussen

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
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Hakuaika on päättynyt
Åbo Akademi
Kuka voi hakea:
Kandidaatintutkinto ja perusymmärrys kansainvälisestä liiketoiminnasta, markkinoinnista ja/tai johtamisesta joko opintojen tai työkokemuksen kautta.
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