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Wireless communications I

Yksittäinen kurssi

Max amount of FITech students: 30

Persons without a valid study right to a Finnish university have preference to this course.

This course introduces the basic concepts of wireless communication.

Course contents

  • Radio channel models
  • Digital modulation and detection methods
  • Carrier and symbol synchronisation
  • Performance of digital modulation in AWGN and fading channel
  • Diversity techniques
  • Coding for wireless channel
  • Multicarrier modulation
  • Spread spectrum
  • Cellular systems

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student

  • can analyse the performance of multilevel digital modulation methods in AWGN channel
  • can explain the effect of fading channel on the performance of the modulation method and can analyse the performance
  • recognises and understand suitable diversity methods for fading channel and related combining methods
  • understands and can explain coding methods for wireless channels
  • recognises different wideband systems
  • understands the cellular system principle.

Teaching schedule

  • Independent study done with material in Moodle.
  • There are no set exam dates, the student can do the minor exams at any time but there are deadlines before which they need to be done.
  • In addition, the course has the last return dates for additional assignments (for which you get extra points) and for the report of the laboratory work.
  • Last return dates for additional assignments and laboratory work report as well as four minor exams dates can be found in Moodle. For example, “the first” last return dates are about 3 weeks after the start of the course, and the last return date for the laboratory work report is at the very end of the course. The Moodle page will be open on 1st of March 2025. Everything you need can be found on that Moodle page. Access to the Moodle workspace requires Peppi-registration for the implementation (you need to accept the study place in Studyinfo and after that your study right will be created manually).
  • (Autumn implementation of this course is arranged during 20.8.–31.10.2025.)

Course material

Studying is supported with video presentations of the lecture and exercise material. All the necessary material can be found on the Moodle page of the course. The course also requires Matlab and Simulink software (needed if you do laboratory work; also called names: simulation work and design work), which belongs to the 2 and 5 ECTS versions).

Course book (voluntary, not mandatory): Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications, Cambridge University Press, 2005, Chaps. 1–3, 5–8 (+ 12, 13, 15).

Completion methods

The number of credits depends on the completed tasks:

  • 2 ECTS: Laboratory work grade. Laboratory work using Matlab and Simulink. Grading: 1-5, fail (= grade of the laboratory work report).
  • 3 ECTS: Exam grade. Four minor exams and additional voluntary assignments (for which you get extra points). Grading: 1-5, fail (= grade of four minor exams and extra points together).
  • 5 ECTS: The total course is passed by four minor exams AND a laboratory work. Grading: 1-5, fail (= The total course is passed with minor exams and the accepted laboratory work report. In the final grade of the total course, the weight for the examination(s) is 0.6 and that for the laboratory work report 0.4).

Changes to the teaching methods are possible. The course language is English. However, the student can do the exams and laboratory work in English or Finnish.

More information on the University of Oulu course page.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

Telecommunication Engineering WCII


Oulun yliopisto
Jari Iinatti, Professori
Oulun yliopisto
Timo Kokkonen, Yliopisto-opettaja

Lisätietoa kurssista ja suorittamisesta

Oulun yliopisto
FITech-yhteyshenkilö Oulu ICT

Hakua koskevat kysymykset

Fanny Qvickström, Opintoasioiden suunnittelija
Hakuaika on päättynyt
Hakuaika on päättynyt
Langaton teknologia
2–5 ECTS
0 €
Kurssin taso:
Kurssin ajankohta:
Haun alkamispäivä:
Viimeinen hakupäivä:
Hakuaika on päättynyt
Oulun yliopisto
Kuka voi hakea:
Bachelor level knowledge in Telecommunication Engineering.
Kenelle kurssi sopii:
Adult learners who have previous studies or work experience in communications. Master's students or comparable in communications.
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