Advanced project-based management
Yksittäinen kurssi
The course discusses the practical application of project management in different types of projects, especially complex ones, and in different organisations and industries. The course covers advanced project management approaches and methodologies in specific core areas, including organising, scheduling and management of time on project and system life cycles, management of risk and uncertainty, management of stakeholders and multi-firm networks.
The course covers the following core areas organised in six modules:
- Module 1: Investment planning and project budgeting
- Module 2: Project scheduling and interdependencies
- Module 3: Project risk and uncertainty
- Module 4: Managing multi-firm projects
- Module 5: Managing external environment
- Module 6: Project management in different contexts and industries
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course the students are able to
- apply methods for life-cycle costing, capital budgeting, cash-flow analysis, financing and cost management in projects (Module 1).
- apply analytical methods that improve our ability to handle interdependencies, uncertainty and dynamism in project scheduling (Module 2).
- classify risks and analyse uncertainty in projects (Module 3).
- propose processes and structures to successfully manage multi-firm projects (Module 4).
- evaluate the relationship of projects and their external environment and stakeholders (Module 5).
- evaluate, analyse and distinguish between approaches and processes to manage real-life projects and project teams (Module 6).
Participating in the Advanced project-based management (APM) course gives the student excellent capabilities in how projects are developed, planned and executed for long-term value creation, and how project business is managed at the firm-level and at the level of international business.
Company representatives are welcome to the course.
Study and implementation methods
The course consists of weekly online seminars (first online seminar Tue 09.01.2024 at 16:15-20), online exercises, simulation and gaming as well as self-studies.
More info on Åbo Akademi’s course page.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
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