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Application deadlines for FITech courses in February 2024

Published 2.2.2024

The application deadlines for some FITech courses are in February. See the following list and apply soon!

Renewable Energy
4.2. Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Systems | Advanced
18.2. Introduction to Hydrogen Economy | Intermediate
19.2. Geopolitics of Hydrogen | Beginner
26.2. Battery Recycling and Ecosystems | Advanced
26.2. Business Models for Smart Energy Systems | Intermediate
26.2. Sustainable Urban Energy | Advanced

Digitalisation / IT
5.2. Control and Simulation Principles of Drives and Converter Systems | Advanced
12.2. Microservice Architectures and Serverless Computing | Advanced
12.2. Project Portfolio Management | Advanced
13.2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Beginner
16.2. Digital Ethics and Sustainability | Beginner
19.2. Creating Graphical User Interfaces | Intermediate
19.2. Discrete Mathematics | Intermediate
19.2. Distribution Automation | Advanced
19.2. Enabling Energy Internet via Machine-Type Communications | Advanced
19.2. Multicarrier and Multiantenna Techniques | Advanced
19.2. Tietoverkkojen laboratoriotyöt I | (FI) | Beginner
20.2. Gamification: Theory, Practice and Design | Beginner
20.2. Machine Learning Algorithms | Advanced
20.2. Tietokantojen perusteet | (FI) | Intermediate
21.2. Johdanto datatieteeseen | (FI) | Intermediate
22.2. Web for Content Authors and Information Scientists | Intermediate
24.2. Internet-of-Things Wireless Communications | Intermediate
25.2. Differentiaali- ja integraalilaskenta | (FI) | Intermediate
26.2. Antennas | Advanced
26.2. Big Data Processing and Applications | Advanced
26.2. Data Science for the Internet of Things | Advanced
26.2. Digital Image Processing | Intermediate
26.2. Introduction to Internet | Beginner
26.2. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence | Intermediate
26.2. Johdatus tietojenkäsittelytieteisiin | (FI) | Beginner
26.2. Käyttöjärjestelmät | (FI) | Intermediate
26.2. Machine-type Wireless Communications and Applications | Advanced
26.2. Oliomallinnus | (FI) | Intermediate
26.2. Privacy and Social Engineering | Intermediate
26.2. Tietojärjestelmien mallintaminen, suunnittelu ja kehitys | (FI) | Intermediate
26.2. Towards Data Mining | Advanced
26.2. Vaatimusmäärittely | (FI) | Intermediate
26.2. Wireless Communications I | Advanced

You can find more information about the courses by using FITech’s course search. You can look for a specific course by typing its name in the search.

Continuously on-going courses

FITech offers lots of continuously on-going courses that you can study at your own pace. Get to know all on-going courses here.

Application period for summer courses

The application period for FITech’s summer courses starts on April 4, 2024. More information will be provided in FITech channels closer to the start date.

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