Studying at FITech

FITech offers university courses free of charge for degree students and adult learners in Finland. Whether you are already working, planning a career change or still in the middle of your studies, FITech study offering has something for everyone!

As a FITech student, you can choose courses from all technical universities in Finland.

FITech is a great fit for students of different backgrounds:

  • ICT, energy storage, hydrogen economy and 5G studies for adult learners – develop the skills needed in future work life!
  • Elective studies for degree students – include the study credits in your MSc degree!

We offer beginner, intermediate and advanced courses. We have launched several MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) that help you build a basic understanding in different fields of technology. You can find all our MOOCs here.

We reserve the right to change the course information without prior notice.