Apply for the autumn courses!

University courses
Free of charge

How to start studying?

Find the course
Apply for study rights
Confirm your study place
Start studying

What to study through FITech?

The course has a continuously on-going application period The course has a continuously on-going application period
You can apply for the course any time and start on a rather short notice.
Flexible studies Flexible studies
Once you are granted a study right, you can start the course and study on your own pace.
Show your new skills with a digital badge Show your new skills with a digital badge
After completing the course, you can apply for a digital badge and add it for example to your Linkedin profile.
You don't have to apply for the course You don't have to apply for the course
No application is needed for MOOCs as the study materials are openly available online.
Flexible studies Flexible studies
You can start and complete the course any time online, regardless of time and place.
Show your new skills with a digital badge Show your new skills with a digital badge
After completing the course you can register the study credits, apply for a badge and add it for example to your Linkedin profile.
The course has an application period The course has an application period
You can apply for the course either during the application period in spring, summer or autumn. The application period ends about two week before the course starts.
Get to know the study content and instructions Get to know the study content and instructions
Once you are granted a study right, you will receive study instructions from the university organising the studies. Depending on the course, studying may include teaching on campus, group work or an exam.
Show your new skills with a digital badge Show your new skills with a digital badge
After completing the course, you can apply for a digital badge and add it for example to your Linkedin profile.

What our students have to say?

Henrietta Sundström

”The topic and contents of the Service design course are interesting and what I imagined they would be. The different modules build up the expertise and you can put everything you learned to practice in the group work."

Aira Seuna

“The course Machine Learning with Python gave me a good overall picture of machine learning. I enjoyed that I got to do things myself on the course. Because of that, I now have a better understanding what machine learning is all about.”

Liina Pölönen

"I graduated as a naval construction engineer and completed my master’s studies in marine technology at Aalto University. FITech improves study opportunities in Turku and works really well for students like myself."
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