About FITech

The Finnish Institute of Technology

The Finnish Institute of Technology (FITech) was founded in 2017 by seven Finnish universities of technology, Technology Industries of Finland (Teknologiateollisuus) and the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK. University of Jyväskylä and University of Eastern Finland have joined FITech afterwards.

The founding mission of FITech is to contribute to the development of Finnish innovation capacity and to respond to competence demands arising in the field of engineering. At the moment, the operations of FITech are based on projects.

FITech projects

Initially the FITech network was solely focused on serving the competence demands of industrial companies in Southwestern Finland, many of which are growing rapidly and have an increasing need to recruit competent engineers. The FITech Turku project was founded in autumn 2017 to help in responding to this demand. In 2019, FITech operations expanded from degree education to adult education, the aim being to supplement the competences of thousands of Finnish professionals in the growing fields of ICT and energy engineering. In the beginning of 2021, FITech received funding for providing 5G studies. Also, in 2023 FITech gained funding for hydrogen economy training from The Service Center for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE). You can find out about the different projects on their own pages.

Ongoing projects

  • ICT, until 31.7.2025
  • Energy Storage
  • Hydrogen, until 30.6.2025
  • 5G, until 31.12.2025
  • Wind Power, until the early spring of 2025
  • Green Transition, until summer 2025

Projects that have ended

  • Turku, until 31.12.2022

FITech board

The board of FITech Network University is responsible for strategic decision-making in the network. The board has the authority to found new FITech projects as well as nominate executive groups for projects. The board consists of representatives of member universities and organisations, and is currently composed of:

  • Touko Apajalahti (Technology Industries of Finland)
  • Jaakko Järvi (University of Turku)
  • Patrik Henelius (Åbo Akademi University)
  • Lauri Kettunen (University of Jyväskylä)
  • Mirja Illikainen (University of Oulu)
  • Kari Lehtinen (University of Eastern Finland)
  • Juhani Nokela (Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK)
  • Jaana Sandström (LUT University)
  • Petri Suomala, chair (Aalto University)
  • Jarmo Takala (Tampere University)
  • Raine Hermans (University of Vaasa)

Sanna Viitanen acts as Chief Operating Officer of FITech and is responsible for reporting to the board about FITech operations.