FITech Network University has been granted new funding to offer a variety of courses that support adult learners in developing skills for the the green transition
The Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE) has granted the FITech Network University a funding of 476 000 euros for the futher development of green transition skills. The courses will be provided by Aalto University, Tampere University, University of Oulu, and Åbo Akademi University. Aalto University coordinates the FITech collaboration within the project.
Topics include wood materials, wood construction, water management, and project management
With the funding, FITech will offer training for adult learners on water supply systems and industrial wood construction. The free courses will add up-to-date expertise on the green transition to FITech’s course offerings, covering topics such as wood as a technical material from the macro level to the molecular level, design of wooden structures, business models in construction, as well as water supply systems and the societal significance of water services.
The project enables the deepening and strengthening of FITech Network’s continuous learning offerings for those working in the field of technology. The courses will complement the existing courses on energy, hydrogen economy, wind power, and digitalisation, which are the key areas for Finland’s competitiveness.
Courses for professionals and adult learners interested in the topics
The target group for the courses includes individuals currently working or interested in working in expert or managerial positions in industries where innovations and technologies related to waste and water management as well as industrial wood construction can be utilised to promote national exports. There will be courses available in both Finnish and English.
Adult learners can choose to complete one or more courses, based on their own needs and interests and the time they have available for studying. Most courses can be completed flexibly as online studies, for example alongside work, though some include components requiring some attendance on campus. More information about the courses will be published in December.
The first courses will be organised in January 2025, and their schedules will be published through FITech channels in December. The training will be offered until spring 2026.
Read the news about the funding on SECLE’s website (in Finnish).
The training has been funded by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.