Introduction to engine laboratory research

Instructions for starting the course

You don’t have to apply to the course Introduction to engine laboratory research. Just go to the course platform and start studying! You can find the link at the end of this page.

If you want to get the study credits officially registered to the University of Vaasa’s register, you need to fill in an application in the Studyinfo service (Opintopolku) after completing the course. You will find instructions on how to do this at the end of the course. Please note that in order to get the credits registered, you need to use strong identification at Studyinfo using e.g. online banking credentials.


How to proceed:

Go to the course platform

You will find the course Introduction to engine laboratory research on a separate course platform.

Create an account

Click ‘Log in’ on the top right corner of the page. Your progress on the course will be saved on your user account.

Start studying!