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Basic course on communications engineering

Individual course

The course introduces the basic concepts and operating principles for understanding the current and future communications systems. During the course, you will learn how digital data is transferred efficiently from a transmitter to a receiver, and how the properties of transmission medium affect the achievable data transfer rate. In addition, the course describes how single devices together form complete communications networks. The course also concretises the significance of communications engineering in the present-day society, which is evolving due to digitalisation.

Course contents

  • The basics of analog and digital transmission. The operational blocks of transmitter and receiver and their functions.
  • Transmission media: copper wires and optical fibers. Radio waves and antennas.
  • Analog and digital modulations. Signal-to-noise ratio. Symbol error ratio.
  • Wired and wireless communications networks. Synchronization and frame structures.
  • Multiplexing. Local area network and the protocols of internet.
  • The future of communications engineering and main technological trends.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student

  • understands the significance of communications engineering in modern society and knows its main technological trends,
  • knows the essential terminology of communications engineering and is able to use it correctly,
  • knows transmission media and their fundamental properties,
  • knows the most essential analog and digital modulations,
  • knows the essential operational blocks of transmitters and receivers and is able to explain their general working principles,
  • knows the basic principle how TCP/IP protocols and traffic in a communications network is analysed.

Course material

Lecture notes, slides and other complementary material.

Lecture recordings and other materials are available on the course platform.


The course will primarily be based on flexible self-studying.

Completion methods

Project work and exam. For FITech students, flexible mechanisms are pursued. You can also submit your work in Finnish.

More information in the Tampere University’s study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

5G, tietoliikennetekniikka, tietoliikenneverkot, tiedonsiirtotekniikka, langaton teknologia, Internet

Responsible teacher

Tampere University
Markus Allen

Further information about courses and studying

Tampere University
Mikko Valkama, 5G coordinator

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
Application starts on 08.04.2025
Application starts on 08.04.2025
5G technology,
Industrial internet
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Host university:
Tampere University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
Basic math, very basics of signals and systems.
Course suitable for:
For all who are interested in understanding the fundamentals and future prospects of communication technology.
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