Defining and discussing accessibility in society
Individual course
This module gives you an opportunity to reflect accessibility in society and how accessibility is visible in your daily life.
Course contents
The thematic module introduces the definition of accessibility and discussion in society, but also the role of disability legislation. People with disabilities are often excluded from the mainstream of society. Disabilities affect people’s lives in multiple ways, both as individuals and as part of society. Disability can also be either temporary or permanent, but accessibility is not just a temporary feature.
Learning outcomes
After completing the module, the student will understand the definition of accessibility, the related legislation and the mechanisms behind it. Furthermore, the student is able to reflect critically on society.
Course material
All materials can be found from Digicampus Moodle. The course key is ”20methods21”.
Completion methods
Independent assignments and final essay. The course can be completed at your own pace.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
Saavutettavuus yhteiskunnassa, yhteiskunta, yhteiskunnallinen keskustelu, lainsäädäntö, esteettömyys
Responsible teacher
Degree student