Emerging battery technologies
Individual course
Max amount of FITech students: 20 adult learners
Course will focus on emerging battery technologies, such as sodium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries, in green transition. Sustainability of emerging battery materials is also studied.
Course contents
Overview of emerging battery technologies, cobalt-free lithium-ion batteries, sodium ion and other alkali metal-ion batteries, lithium metal batteries, lithium-sulfur and lithium-air batteries, solid state batteries, redox flow batteries, sustainability of emerging batteries and biomass-use in batteries.
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will
- have the basic knowledge of the emerging battery materials and structures
- understand the operation principle of these batteries
- know how to improve the battery sustainability and especially battery development from green chemistry viewpoint.
Course material
Course material will be delivered during the course in the Moodle learning environment.
Teaching schedule
Lecture recordings on the learning environment, exercise submissions in the given schedule.
Completion methods
Completing learning tasks (passed/failed) in Moodle. You can complete the course fully online.
More information in the University of Oulu study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
Kestävä kehitys, kestävyysarviointi, elinkaariarviointi, kannattavuusarvionti, sosiaalisten vaikutusten arviointi
Responsible teacher
Further information about the course and studying
Contact person for applications
Chemistry and materials of energy storages,