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Innovation and industrial change

Individual course

Max amount of FITech students: 20 adult learners

This course offers an integrated approach to understanding how industries evolve over time and the critical role innovation plays in driving this change. Upon completion of the course, participants should be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms, challenges, and opportunities associated with industrial change. The course dives into historical examples of socio-technical transitions and a wide array of theories related to change, socio-technical systems and technological innovation. It critically examines how innovations can initiate such transitions and explores the multifaceted nature of change—considering the roles of firms, governments, and individuals in catalysing or impeding progress. Sustainability, digitalization and other drivers for change are also discussed during the course.

Course contents

  • Types of technological innovations and critical theories related to them
  • The role of innovation in triggering industrial change (technological shifts, industry transitions)
  • Examples from real-life industrial changes
  • Socio-technical systems and their evolution
  • Managerial tools for mapping and understanding industrial change at company level (e.g. technology roadmapping)
  • Institutional barriers to industrial change and adoption of innovations

Learning outcomes

After completing this course you

  • understand how socio-technical systems change and industry transitions occur
  • understand and can analyse the implications of industrial transitions on particular industrial sectors and business models
  • can identify possible paths for disruptive innovations or technology shifts
  • can outline business ecosystem structure around technological innovations and identify factors for their proliferation
  • can outline business models that contribute to a circular economy and the energy transition
  • can analyse the institutional barriers for industrial change and devise mechanisms for institutional work to overcome them.

Course material

Articles, book chapters, links to websites, reports and videos will be distributed during the course and/or published on the course’s Moodle page.

Teaching schedule

  • Lectures and seminars Tue 12.30– 14.15 and Thu 10– 11.30 (28.10.2024-20.12.2024).
  • The sessions will be hybrid: it is possible to join in class in Aurum (Henrikinkatu 2, Turku) or online. Attendance in class is preferred, especially during seminars.

Completion methods

  • There will be a set of assignments (group and individual) throughout the course, which will all contribute to the final grade. The assignments and corresponding deadlines are spread throughout the course.
  • The assessment of how well the student has achieved the learning goals is done through the following examination forms:
  1. Individual assignments (60% of the grade)
  2. Group assignments (40% of the grade)
  3. Active participation in the course (bonus up to 10% of the grade)

More information in the Åbo Akademi University study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

Kestävä kehitys, sustainable development, business ecosystems, business models, transformation

Responsible teacher

Åbo Akademi University
Anastasia Tsvetkova, University researcher

Further information about the course and studying

Åbo Akademi University
Magnus Hellström, Professor

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
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Industrial engineering and management,
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Host university:
Åbo Akademi University
Who can apply:
Adult learner
Teaching method:
Place of contact learning:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
Bachelor's Degree (or corresponding). It is preferred that the student has participated in a basic business course previously.
Course suitable for:
Anyone interested in understanding how technological innovations diffuse and lead to changes in the status quo, which obstacles they face, and what is the role of a firm or technology in industry transitions.
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