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Version Control: Git

Individual course

Git is a version control system that was created as a tool for Linux-kernel development. Today it is widely used in software industry and it is very popular in open-source projects. One of the reasons for this popularity is the development of different services like GitHub and GitLab that provide better usability in Git projects. They make project management and distribution much easier.

Course contents

The course material teaches Git usage and some basics of version control. Each module consists of reading material and exercises. Exercises are questionnaires and repository-returns.

The course material has been split into four different modules: basics, intermediate, advanced and GitLab.

Learning outcomes

After the basics module, you know how to:

  • Create new commits
  • Choose files for commits
  • Look at version history
  • Revert back to old file version / revert changes
  • Synchronise local repository with remote repository

After the intermediate module, you know how to:

  • Use branches
  • Revert branches to previous versions
  • Resolve merge conflicts
  • Selectively add lines to staging
  • Collaborate using Git
  • Use submodules

After the advanced module, you know how to:

  • Clean version history
  • Use stash, blame and reflog
  • Use different Git workflows

After the GitLab module, you know how to:

  • Tell about GitLab in general level
  • Work with GitLab flow
  • Tell about CI/CD in general level
  • Build a CI/CD pipeline in GitLab
  • Use GitLab for project management

Completion methods

The course consists of five rounds. By completing rounds 1. Introduction and 2. Basics of Git, you will receive one (1) ECTS credit. In addition to these, completing round 3. Git Intermediate results in two (2) ECTS credits. A full three (3) ECTS credits will be earned by completing round 4. Git Advanced. Round 5. GitLab is voluntary and complementary. The points scored in it can also patch up small point losses in previous rounds.

The course was previously available under the name Git open.

More information in the Tampere University study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

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Responsible teacher

Tampere University
Terhi Kilamo

Further information about the studies

Tampere University
Teemu Rauhala, ICT coordinator

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
Start here
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Software engineering
Course code:
Study credits:
1–3 ECTS
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Continuously on-going
Application deadline:
Continuously on-going
Host university:
Tampere University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
No prerequisites.
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