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Wind power engineering and development

Individual course

Max amount of FITech students: 25 adult learners who are chosen based on a motivation letter

A general wind power course with aspects relevant for wind power deployment and wind power plant projects: introduction to wind power technology, phases of wind project, grid connection and operation in electricity markets and technology trends. The course is technology-focused, but it is also suitable for individuals from other backgrounds who want to gain an overview of wind power and its project development.

Course contents

  • Introduction to wind deployment and wind power technology
  • Wind power meteorology and resource estimation
  • Wind project planning, environmental assessment, financing and building process
  • Arctic and offshore wind power
  • Grid connection, energy system integration and operation in electricity markets
  • Technology trends

Learning outcomes

Basic knowledge of aspects relevant for wind power projects: technology, wind resources, feasibility studies and building process, grid connection, operation in electricity markets and energy systems. Terminology and basic principles of technology.

Course material

Lecture presentation materials. Some open source text book chapters as background information if needed.

Teaching schedule

  • Lectures on Fridays 12:15-14:00 (12 meetings on campus or online). Recordings available.
  • Optionally 10 demos on Thursdays 12:15-14:00 on campus or online.

Completion methods

  • Exam at the end of the course (December, and re-take Jan-Feb 2025). The exam is the only part of the course that requires attendance on campus. Adult learners who cannot take the exam in the campus may discuss alternative completion methods with the responsible teacher.
  • Flexible start is possible if agreed with the responsible teacher.

Motivation letter for the application

Please include a brief (up to 1 page) motivational letter with your application, in which you explain your background, career plans, and how studying the Wind power engineering and development course will contribute to them. Also, describe how you will manage your time to complete the course, considering three credits correspond to an average workload of 81 hours. Decisions regarding the selection of students for the course will be made after the application deadline has passed. Please name your motivation letter as follows “firstname_lastname” and submit it as a PDF.

More information in the Aalto University study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

Responsible teacher

Aalto University
Hannele Holttinen, Professor of Practice

Further information about the course and studying

Aalto University
Suvi Jämsä , Planning Officer

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
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Energy engineering,
Wind power
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
1.9.2024 (after this date only by agreement with the reponsible teacher)
Host university:
Aalto University
Who can apply:
Adult learner
Teaching method:
Place of contact learning:
Teaching language:
Course suitable for:
Everyone interested in wind power.
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