Instructions for JOOPAS application system
You can find it here:
After that, choose then your home university or the option “I don’t have a user account for a Finnish university”.
Check your user information (if applicable) and choose “New application” under “Your applications”.
Fill in the information required by clicking each section in the top menu.
Remember to fill in all your names.
If you answer “No” to the question “Are you a degree student in a Finnish university?”, you can just leave the other fields empty.
Choose either a study module (minor) or individual course(s).
If you choose a study module, fill in the name of the module and the amount of credits you are applying for.
Go to the course database to select the course(s).
Pick the course(s) from the database by clicking “Add”. You can only include courses from one university in each application.
Click the button “Apply for study rights” to return to your application form.
Bring the courses to the form by clicking “Add courses”.
The form then asks you to confirm the university offering the courses. You can only choose one.
Attach your transcript of records. If you are not enrolled in a Finnish university, you can attach a copy of a diploma of your previous degree or offer the relevant information in the section “Further information”. Please, check also the course information and add the requested attachments, if applicable.
If you are not a degree student, mention your study background here. Fill in additional information if requested or if you want to add something to your application.
Check your application summary and if all information is correct, send the application.
If you wish to complete your application later on, you can just sign out and access the unsent applications by clicking “Incomplete” under “Your applications”.
You will receive automatic notifications during the processing of your application.
NB! Check also the trash folder of your email in case the notifications don’t pass the filters.
The application process takes approximately two weeks. After you have been granted a study right, you will receive instructions for getting your IT username. Remember to follow the guidelines for semester and course registrations of the university in question.
NB! You need a Finnish identification number/online banking access code in order to activate the IT credentials.
If you don’t have Finnish identification number, you need to visit the IT Helpdesk of the university organising the studies and verify your identity.