Hands-on scientific computing

Instructions for starting the course

You don’t have to apply to the course Hands-on scientific computing. Just go to the course platform and start studying! You can find the link at the end of this page.

If you want to get the study credits officially registered to Aalto University’s register and receive a FITech digital badge, you need to fill in an application in Studyinfo service (Opintopolku) after completing the course. You will find instructions on how to do this on the course platform. Please notice that in order to get the credits registered, you need Finnish strong identification to log into Studyinfo using e.g. online banking credentials.

If you are a degree student in Aalto University include this course to your personal study plan and enrol to the course in Sisu.

How to proceed:

Go to the course platform

You will find the course on a separate platform. Please note that the course material can be found on a separate site.

Sign in to the platform

On the course platform, choose “Log in” in the top right corner. Sign in through the “Users external to Aaltoā€¯ option. By signing in you can follow and save your progression.

Start studying!