Computer networking II
Individual course
During this course the student will:
- understand routing protocols and their functions;
- be able to study the most important architectures and mechanisms for QoS provisioning in the Internet;
- learn how to provide secure communications in computer networks;
- identify QoS requirements of various applications and choose protocols to support them;
- will have an opportunity to design a corporate network in a lab.
The course includes a short introduction to network security and protocol design. Additionally, the course provides a survey of modern Internet technologies such as MPLS, cloud computing, distributed file systems, as well as future internet technologies such as IPv6, Internet of things etc.
Course contents
- Interior and exterior gateway protocols
- Virtual private networks with IPsec
- Mobile IP
- SDN, future network technologies
Quality of service assurance:
- IntServ, DiffServ
- Queuing disciplines and traffic shaping
- Label switching with MPLS
Network security:
- Cryptographic algorithms overview
- Network security protocols
- Defense solutions
- IoT application layer protocols
- Session control protocols
- Voice over IP
- P2P fundamentals, device-to-device communication
- Network management
Network design:
- Configuring VPNs
- Designing routing and VLANs
- Practical experience in the lab
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will be able to design, configure and maintain a large office network, as well as analyse its performance through measurements and simulation.
Course material
Lecture notes, slides and other complementary materials.
Lecture recordings and other materials are available on the course platform.
The course will primarily be based on flexible self-studying.
Completion methods
Exam and successful completion of homework exercises and laboratory assignment. For FITech students, flexible mechanisms are pursued.
More information in the Tampere University’s study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
tietoliikennetekniikka, tietoliikenneverkot, Internet, tietokoneverkot, tiedonsiirtoprotokollat, laadunhallinta, tietoturva
Responsible teacher
Further information about courses and studying
Contact person for applications
Industrial internet,
Internet technology
Degree student