Individual course
The course focuses on an overall understanding of cyber security including different types of threats and solutions as well as evaluation of technological solutions. After completing the course, the student understands digital security.
Course features distinguished visiting lecturers.
Course material
Lecture material (online)
Teaching schedule
The course consists of a preliminary assignment, five lecture days in April and May, three group assignments (one of which is a case study project) and two individual assignments. Attending all the lecture days (for the whole time!) is mandatory; one absence is permitted if the reason is very good. All assignments are mandatory as well, and deadlines must be met! Group members will also grade each other, and this may have an effect on the overall grading as well.
The course will be arranged virtually (virtual lectures and meetings).
Lectures on Tuesdays at 14.15–18.00. Minor changes to the schedule are possible.
Completion methods
Attending the lectures and completing the assignments. Please note the mandatory preliminary assignment with a deadline before the first lecture.
More information in the Aalto University study guide and course page.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
Responsible teacher
Further information about the course and studying
Contact person for applications
Information security,
Internet technology
Degree student