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Facilitating change

Individual course

Course contents

The themes in the course cover topics such as facilitating a shared vision, organisational transformation, lean + agile + design thinking, the role of tools and sprints in facilitation, and the concept of meta-skills and new kind of leadership.

Learning outcomes

The course consists of lectures and pair homework in which the pairs facilitate each other’s strategic objectives and goals, as well as understanding the broader organisational context. The course also demonstrates through the exercises what are the so-called meta skills required in contemporary leadership and change agency.

After the course the student

  • understands how to facilitate organisational change towards a more agile and lean organisation culture
  • knows how to use simple diagrams as tools and boundary objects in facilitating conversations and clarifying objectives.

Teaching schedule

Lectures (held in Zoom) on Wed 16:15-18. Lectures are recorded and shared.

Completion methods

The course consist of lectures and weekly exercises. Registration requires participation in the pair exercises. To pass the course, you need to take part in all lectures and exercises.

Lectures 6 x 2 h = 10 h. Pair exercises 5 x 4 h = 20 h. Readings 20 h. Independent study 30 h. Total 80 h.

More information in  the Aalto University study guide and on Please note that in order to obtain the study credits you need to register in Opintopolku > press the “Aloita tästä” button.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

muotoiluajattelu muutosjohtajuus muutosjohtaminen yrityskulttuuri organisaatiokulttuuri fasilitointi strategia strateginen metataidot johtaminen johtajuus ketterä

Further information about the studies

Aalto University
Tiina Porthén

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
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Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Host university:
Aalto University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
Experience and knowledge of project work, leadership, design tools and processes, and organisations.
Course suitable for:
Professionals interested in improving their leadership & facilitating skills or are looking for new tools for facilitating change in an organisation.
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