Game development project
Individual course
The content of this course is identical with Fundamentals of game development (CT60A5400).
The objective for this course is for students to learn how to use their software engineering knowledge in an entertainment software engineering context. With the selected game development tools, student is capable to independently design and develop a small game program on some modern game engine platform, or work as a part of a team developing a larger game product.
Course contents
- Games as software products
- Basics of processes and models applied in the entertainment software industry
- Basics of the game development tools
- Introduction to game engines and their functions
- Basics of 3D objects
- Introduction to game development-related programming problem.
- Basics of artificial intelligence in entertainment software engineering context.
- Basics of sound engineering
- Gamification and Serious games
- Basic principles of AR and VR development
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:
- Conduct independent work in entertainment software engineering context.
- Independently design and implement a small-scale game program with some industry-relevant platform.
- Acquire further knowledge concerning the taught game development tools.
- Work as a productive member and as part of a team developing larger entertainment software product.
Course material
Based on the yearly implementation, the taught game engine tutorials and other materials given during the course.
Completion methods
The course can be started at any point of the year, and you have 90 days from the start to complete the course assignments on your own pace.
More information in the LUT University study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
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Further information about the course and studying
Hakua koskevat kysymykset
Degree student