Introductory penetration testing and security assessment
Individual course
Max amount of FITech students: 30
Persons without a valid study right to a Finnish university have preference to this course.
This course will explore foundations of penetration testing and security assessment from a cybersecurity professional perspective.
We will explore basic/starting techniques and tools necessary to perform in real world/companies in relation to web security, software security, network security, server security, database security, cloud security, mobile device security and IoT security. This course will also explore and practice the less technical aspects of penetration testing and security assessments such as various/optimal reporting templates and standards, various/optimal standards/regulations to follow in certain types of tests and assessments.
Course contents
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Security testing basics
- Security testing basics and security testing process
- Technical preparations and modus operandi
- Security test execution
- Exploiting vulnerabilities
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course, the student
- understands what a pentest is.
- understands how to run a pentest.
- understands how to prepare and present a pentest report.
- has practiced individual small tasks simulating real-world pentest assignments.
Course material
- SSH terminal program(s) and compatible browser(s)
- Course materials/slides (PDFs) on the course platform
Teaching schedule
- Lectures are fully pre-recorded
- Periodic online Q&A sessions (to be defined)
Completion methods
This course is organised as self-study. Mandatory tasks are exercise assignments and a final report.
More information in the University of Jyväskylä study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
tietoturva testaus penetraatiotestaus pen test
Responsible teacher
Further information about the course and studying
Contact person for applications
Computer engineering,
Information security,
Internet technology
Degree student