Management of cyber security
Individual course
On this course, you learn about cybersecurity measures and techniques and methods related to them. You learn to understand the information assurance fundamentals (CIA + Parker + ISO).
Course is suitable for example to IT managers who want to learn more about cyber security and need to know about privacy, vulnerabilities and professional security analysis and design. You will also learn what is social responsibility associated with cybersecurity, the related matters as/to business, legalization, and privacy.
Course contents
- cryptography techniques
- operating systems and application security
- threats, vulnerabilities and attacks
- security models
- security analysis and security design
- risk management and risk mitigation
- physical security
- compliance, standards, policies and best practices
- cybersecurity frameworks
- main authority organizations
Learning outcomes
After the course you are able to
- apply cyber security practices and the mitigation techniques to avoid attacks and violations in an organization
- use the main software tools for cyber security management.
With respect of the generic skills, you have learned organisational operation skills, interpersonal skills, problem-solving and decision-making skills as well as critical thinking.
Teaching methods
It is possible to complete the course online, but the schedule is fixed.
More information on University of Vaasa’s course page.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
kyberturvallisuus tietoturva johtaminen riskienhallinta valvonta määräykset standardit fyysinen turvallisuus uhka hyökkäys kryptografia ongelmanratkaisu
Responsible teacher
Further information about the courses and studying
Contact person for applications
Information security,