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Project management

Individual course

Through real-life examples and exercises you will learn methods to manage a range of different projects in a firm. The course serves as a basis to a career in project management, especially the starting functions such as project planning and control.

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student

  • knows the most important areas of project management and relevant concepts related to it
  • knows and can use central methods in project management
  • can apply project management methods when leading different projects
  • knows current trends in project management.

The course offers the opportunity to complete The Project Management Assocation PM certification, which covers the same competence areas as IPMA level D. The certification is free of charge.

More information on Åbo Akademi’s course page.

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Responsible teacher

Åbo Akademi
Magnus Hellström

Further information about the studies

Åbo Akademi
Mikko Helle

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
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Industrial engineering and management,
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
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Application start date:
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Host university:
Åbo Akademi University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
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