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Software engineering

Individual course

Max amount of FITech students: 100

Persons without a valid study right at a Finnish university or university of applied sciences have preference to this course.

The course provides a broad but practical view of industrial software development.

Students learn the main problems, models and methods of software engineering, including traditional and agile/lean software development. The main software engineering activities, including software requirements engineering, design, implementation, testing and deployment are covered. Supporting workflows, e.g. configuration management and project management are also discussed.

Learning outcomes

After the course, the student

  • has a working understanding of software development in industry, as well as the necessary knowledge and skills to pursue further studies in software engineering.
  • can present and motivate the phases of software engineering (requirements engineering, software architecture, software design and implementation, software testing, software evolution) and the main crosscutting activities of software engineering (software processes, agile software development, configuration management).
  • is able to read and understand software engineering literature, and motivate the importance of software engineering.

Teaching methods

The course is delivered using Moodle. Students pass the course by doing one Moodle module each week, according to a fixed schedule. Each weekly module consists of a video lecture, a set of readings, a quiz, and a written assignment. It is possible to take the course online except for the final exam.


Lectures 30 h, exercises 60 h, independent study 45 h.

Assessment methods and criteria

  • Exercises
  • Examination 11.12. 17-20 (Otaniemi)

More information on Aalto University’s course page.

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Responsible teacher

Aalto University
Casper Lassenius

Further information about the studies

Aalto University
Tiina Porthén

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
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Software engineering
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Host university:
Aalto University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Place of contact learning:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
Basics in programming.
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