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Wireless communication networks

Individual course

The course provides skills to assess the key trade-offs that determine the performance of wireless networks.

The course introduces the basic concepts related to the wireless communication networks. This includes the fundamentals of communication networks and its layered structure, mathematical models to quantify the diverse source of uncertainties involved in the system, and proposals of performance metrics that capture the main existing trade-offs.

Course contents

  1. Introduction to communication networks
  2. Review of probability theory and stochastic processes
  3. Fundamentals of queuing theory
  4. Models of wireless networks
  5. Medium access control
  6. Error control techniques
  7. Performance analysis of wireless networks

The course is an online course and the material is found on the course platform. The course has an online exam.

More information in LUT University’s study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

Responsible teacher

LUT University
Pedro Nardelli

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
Application period has ended
Application period has ended
5G technology,
Industrial internet,
Internet technology,
Wireless technology
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Application period has ended
Host university:
LUT University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
Basic knowledge of probability theory and basic programming skills.
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