FITech offers ICT studies for those who want to update or upgrade their ICT skills and knowledge.
Why study with FITech?
- We offer you high quality university studies
- Our courses are free of charge for all participants
- The courses can be studied alongside work
FITech ICT is especially suitable for people who have studied earlier at a university or a university of applied sciences. The courses are primarily targeted for people who do not have a valid study right at a Finnish higher education institution at the moment.
Most of our courses are organised online or they are at least so called blended courses, meaning that some parts of the course can be done online and sometimes there might be a need to be present on campus (for example for the exam). Some of our courses are regular campus courses.
How to apply?

Application period for FITech studies for spring 2020 starts on November 5. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile, get to know the FITech ICT studies here!
Don’t know where to start?
Big pICTure is a short questionnaire aimed at determining the respondent’s level of competence. After replying, the respondent will receive immediate course recommendations from FITech’s range of courses.

The query tool is particularly suitable for target groups who do not have much ICT expertise yet. The aim is to lower the threshold for developing one’s own competence.
Try out the Big pICTure questionnaire here!
Do you have some other questions about the studies?
Check out our frequently asked questions where we have answered the most common questions.