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Application period has ended
Development of digital services
Individual course
Digitalisation is a trend that is radically changing the way we do business. With this trend, digital services design is becoming a key business skill. On this course, you will learn to design digital services from identifying new revenue opportunities to changing whole business models.
Course contents
- Innovation management
- Designing of digital services
- Designing business models for digital services
- User experience design
- Data management and protection
- 5G as an environment for digital services
Learning outcomes
Students will learn to
- analyse trends to identify business opportunities and use creativity tools to develop these opportunities into digital service innovations,
- generate and test business models for digital services,
- apply user experience (UX) design to development of digital services, and
- apply the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to digital services design.
Course material
Learning materials will be available on the learning platform.
Teaching schedule
- Lectures on Mon and Wed at 12:30-14:00 (recordings in Moodle)
- Five group assignments (DL 17.5.)
Completion methods
Group assignments and one large group work.
More information in the Åbo Akademi University study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
käyttökokemus käyttäjäkokemus digitaalisten palvelujen suunnittelu liiketoiminta digipalvelu verkkopalvelu kehitys muotoilu
Responsible teacher
Åbo Akademi University
Anssi Öörni
Contact person for applications
FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
Application period has ended
5G technology,
Communications ecosystems,
User interfaces and usability
Communications ecosystems,
User interfaces and usability
Course code:
Study credits:
1–5 ECTS
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Application period has ended
Host university:
Åbo Akademi University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
No prerequisites
Course suitable for:
The course is suitable for anyone interested in digital services development.