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Emerging technologies & ecosystems

Individual course

The course introduces the students to emerging technologies, their characteristics, and their potential to create new business and shape markets.

During the course, the students learn about disruptive contexts in which technology spurs development, such as wireless communication technologies (5G, 6G), the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and machine learning, autonomous solutions, as well as different kinds of smart environments (smart grid, smart agriculture, smart cities etc.) and trends promising new business models, such as space travel.

For emerging technologies to succeed, firms engage in business ecosystems and build platforms for navigating digital disruption. The course introduces the students to the concept of business ecosystems and their strategic dimensions related to emerging technologies.

From a research method perspective, the course introduces the students to future studies, technology foresight and trend spotting. During the course, students deepen their knowledge of a selected emerging technology by collecting and analysing empirical data, showcasing the potential future impact of the emerging technology and implications for marketing and/or markets.

Course contents

The course content is designed with the purpose to support the learner’s ability to

  • evaluate the potential impact of emerging technologies on future markets.
  • communicate impact of emerging technology for marketing and/or other disciplines.
  • utilise future studies methods to analyse the dynamics of emerging technologies and ecosystems.

Learning outcomes

  • Describe the logic of technology and market disruptions
  • Identify and define emerging technologies
  • Explain the relevance of business ecosystems for the firm
  • Create narratives and projections of the future impact of emerging technologies on markets/marketing

Course material

Articles and other material according to instructions. The student is not required to have credentials to specific technology or programs.

Teaching schedule

Lectures/workshops on campus with remote access on Wednesdays at 14.15–15.45.

Completion methods

Continuous examination throughout the course:

  • Individual written key learning notes (tentatively bi-weekly)
  • Case study including data collection, analysis, and reporting (in team)
  • Individual course portfolio

Course includes teaching on campus, but it can be competed fully online.

More information in the Åbo Akademi study guide.

You can get a digital badge after completing this course.

liiketoimintaekosysteemi, orastavat teknologiat, markkinointi, tulevaisuuden tutkimus, esineiden internet, asioiden internet, IoT, tekoäly, koneoppiminen

Responsible teacher

Åbo Akademi
Anna-Greta Nyström, Associate professor

Further information about the course and studying

Åbo Akademi
Anssi Öörni

Contact person for applications

FITech Network University
Fanny Qvickström, Student services specialist
Application period has ended
Application period has ended
5G technology,
Course code:
Study credits:
0 €
Course level:
Teaching period:
Application start date:
Application deadline:
Application period has ended
Host university:
Åbo Akademi University
Who can apply:
Adult learner,
Degree student
Teaching method:
Teaching language:
General prerequisites:
A prior degree (BSc, MSc) is recommended, but not required. Please note that the course requires approx. 130 h input by the learner.
Course suitable for:
People working in high technology intensive fields or fields in which wireless communication technology is increasingly being deployed, learners interested in designing and orchestrating ecosystems and business networks, and learners with an interest in understanding how and when to pursue the application of emerging technology in own business processes.
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