Privacy and social engineering
Individual course
This course gives an introduction to privacy in our digital world and the threat of social engineering in cybersecurity.
Course contents
Presentation of the concepts, regulation and technologies related to privacy. Presentation and use of the concepts, methods and technologies related to social engineering.
Learning outcomes
After the course you will be able to
- explain the basic concepts related to privacy and recognise the national and international regulation related to the topic
- understand the basics of the technologies that are used to process information and think about their effects on privacy
- understand the basic privacy features and problems of mobile operating systems, browsers and computers networks
- understand the basic concepts related to social engineering
- recognise social engineering methods when they are applied
- apply simple tools and technologies related to social engineering
- understand the importance of social engineering in cybersecurity.
Course material
Lectures, slides and exercise material. Online material such as GDPR and NIS directives. Course uses parts of the book “Social Engineering: the science of human hacking” by Christopher J. Hadnagy.
Teaching schedule
Lectures will be recorded and available in Moodle. Exercise sessions are only in class, but online instruction is given in Slack.
Completion methods
You can complete the course fully online, but some lectures are on campus (not mandatory).
- Weekly mini exams online are mandatory for passing the course (grade 1).
- Seven optional online exercises for increasing the grade and for deepening the knowledge (2-5).
More information in the University of Oulu study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
extended reality, virtual reality, perception, unity, virtuaalitodellisuus, laajennettu todellisuus, VR, ER, kyberturvallisuus, käyttäjän manipulointi
Responsible teacher
Further information about the course and studying
Contact person for applications
Information security
Degree student