Web applications
Individual course
The aim of this course is to introduce a student to web programming that is nowadays divided into back end and front end parts. The course includes the front end programming with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and finally with React. At the same time the student learns to build back end software with Node.js, Express and MongoDB. In the end of the course these parts are combined and the final project is so called full stack application that lets users to register and login to browser based application, which stores data in the back end and takes care of the validations of inputs.
The course requires previous programming skills and is programming intensive. It gives a student knowledge on how to develop web applications in 2022.
Course contents
WWW–application architectures and standards. Programming languages and APIs for creating interactive server and client software (e.g. JavaScript, NodeJS, AJAX, React and MongoDB). Efficient management of web-based software and publication. The course is programming intensive.
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to
- create web-based software products.
- understand the evolution of web software and how it led to current online environment.
- design and implement complex software systems using web-based software and APIs.
- understand and solve issues related to web environment, such as front and backend, storing data and authentication.
- solve real world problems and design online web systems using requirements based on these problems.
To participate in this course you should have similar knowledge that can be acquired through the following courses taught at LUT: Introduction to programming, Basics of database systems, Database Systems Management, and Object-oriented programming.
Course material
Crockford, D. (2008). JavaScript: The good parts. Sebastopol (CA): O’Reilly : Yahoo! Press.
Other material presented at lectures.
Online lectures and exercises 62 h, independent reading 8 h, projects 92 h. Total 162 h.
Completion methods
Project 50%, weekly assignments 40%, essay 10%.
More information in the LUT University study guide.
You can get a digital badge after completing this course.
ohjelmointi koodaus koodari devaus devaaja web-sovellukset olio-ohjelmointi tietokannat
Further information about the studies
Responsible teacher
Contact person for applications
Web programming
Degree student