What are FITech studies?

Four people sitting in a classroom having a chat with each other.

FITech offers selected courses free of charge for Finnish people and permanent residents of Finland. Course topics include information technology, 5G technology, energy storages and other fields of technology.

Studies are organised by Aalto University, LUT University, Tampere University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu, University of Turku, University of Vaasa and Åbo Akademi University. Also, University of Helsinki offers 5G studies through FITech even though it is not a member of the network university.

Each university offers a set of courses for adult learners and students in Finnish higher education to choose from. These studies are based on each university’s scientific profile and know-how. This way we ensure that the selection of courses is diverse and answers to the needs of students as well as the working life.

We reserve the right to change the course information without prior notice.

Studies for adult learners as well as  degree students

Adult learners are people without a valid study right to a Finnish university or university of applied sciences. FITech courses aim for upgrading the skills and competences of those already in the working life.

The courses are designed in a way that makes it possible to study alongside work, for example during evenings or weekends. Many courses are self-paced so it is possible to study them on your own pace.

Courses are especially suitable for people who have studied earlier at a university or a university of applied sciences. You can attend the courses even if some time has passed after your earlier studies.

Degree students are students who have a valid study right to a Finnish university or university of applied sciences. They can complement their degree by studying a new minor or individual courses through FITech.

Most of the courses are organised online but some may include an exam that requires a visit on the university campus. Some courses can be organised completely as contact learning on campus.