Towards a cleaner future

Renewable energy sources alongside fossil fuels – learn more by listening to FITech Talks podcast
Energy production has been based for a long time on fossil fuels.
The burning of fossil fuels has resulted in increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases have led to rising global temperatures and this causes problems on Earth as environmental changes. Fossil fuel sources are not renewable and are also expected to be depleted in the near future.
The environment also provides sources of renewable energy. The need for them is obvious to contain climate change.
Alternatives exist
Fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions should be drastically reduced in the next few years. It is important to know and understand what kind of renewable and clean options we have.
Energy production does not need to be concentrated anymore, but can be decentralized according to the energy potential of each region: It is better to utilize energy from the source that is closest. On the other hand, hybrid use from different sources is increasing in order to achieve better energy efficiency.
Study the topic on a FITech course
FITech Network University offers a course Present and Future Prospects in Energy Technology by University of Vaasa. The course focuses on the world of distributed energy production, offering the latest prospects for bioenergy, solar energy, geothermal energy and hydrogen technologies this year. The course belongs to a minor in Energy technology, but can also be completed as a separate course.
The next course will start on 22 February. Application period ends on February 15th. The course is free of charge. Apply here!
Interested? Get to know the topic!
Listen to the podcast below to find out more about our course. Hydrogen has come on board as a topic since the podcast was released.
I have studied the new possibilities of geoenergy in the northern conditions of Finland and will tell you more about my research during the course.
After completing the course, students will have up-to-date information on the latest and future prospects of selected themes in energy technology. The focus is on the latest scientific work and the prospects for the future of energy companies.
Welcome along!
Anne Mäkiranta
University teacher, University of Vaasa
Renewable Energy Research Group
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Application periods for FITech studies in 2025