FITech Turku creates new cooperation models in southwestern Finland
FITech Turku is the first FITech project, founded in autumn 2017. The goal of FITech Turku is to increase the supply of MSc. level engineering competence in Southwestern Finland in accordance to industry demands. FITech Turku has 12 million euros of funding from the Ministry of Education and Culture, in addition to which participating universities are providing an additional 6 million euros of funding. FITech Turku will be operational as a project on current funding until the end of 2022.
The FITech Turku project has ended on 31 December 2022. Read more about the results here.

In FITech Turku, universities offer a variety of engineering studies to serve industrial competence needs. Studies range from individual courses tailored to specific needs all the way to full 120 ECTS degree programs. Besides new study programmes, FITech Turku aims to create cooperative bonds between universities and companies in Southwestern Finland to increase engagement of engineering students all around Finland with the interesting career opportunities of the region.