FITech Wind Power

FITech offers wind power training for those already working in the sector and those looking to transition into it

Renewable energy sources are a key factor in the green transition and a prerequisite for producing clean hydrogen in Finland. The FITech Wind Power program adds wind power-related education to FITech’s renewable energy course offerings.

The wind power sector requires skilled professionals. Stakeholders’ expertise must cover technical, economic, societal, environmental, and ecological requirements. While education and experience in the energy sector provide a solid foundation, individuals from diverse educational backgrounds, such as biology, geography, meteorology, or social sciences, can also enter the wind power industry with additional training.

The FITech Wind Power focuses on wind power project development. It offers content suitable for those already working in the wind power sector and those looking to transition into it.

Read more about the contents of the training and apply for courses here.

Kuva tuulivoimalasta.

The FITech Wind Power program is available free of charge until the early spring of 2025. However, spots are limited, which is why students will be selected based on a motivational letter for some courses and events.

Explore the FITech Wind Power flyer (pdf) here.


The training has been funded by the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which is the key instrument of the EU’s Recovery Facility (NextGenerationEU). The financing has been granted by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.