Information for employment services representatives

What is FITech?

FITech (Finnish Institute of Technology) is a network of the Finnish universities of technology: Aalto University, LUT University, University of Eastern Finland, University of Jyväskylä, University of Oulu, University of Turku, University of Vaasa, Tampere University, and Åbo Akademi University. Also the University of Helsinki, which is not a member of the network, offers courses through FITech.

Founding members are also Technology Industries of Finland (Teknologiateollisuus) and the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK). FITech’s goal is to guide experts to growth sectors in Finland and respond to competence needs arising in the field of technology. FITech’s projects are funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) and the Service Center for Continuous Learning and Employment (SECLE).

What are FITech courses?

FITech courses are individual university courses that do not lead to a degree. The courses are open and free of charge for all Finns and people permanently living in Finland. The student will be granted a non-degree study right only for the courses they have applied for. FITech studies work similarly to open university studies. The differences are that there is no fee for FITech students and that FITech network university has a joint channel for applying to courses.

How are the courses organised?

FITech courses are organised as online studies, on campus, or as blended teaching. Courses provide study credits (ECTS), which are recorded in the host university’s academic registry. Detailed course-specific information can be found on each course’s own course page on FITech’s website.

When are FITech courses organised?

The schedule of the course can be found on the course page. FITech offers courses with a defined schedule and continuously ongoing courses.

Who can study?

FITech courses are offered for both adult learners and degree students. These target groups are defined based on FITech’s funding criteria. In FITech, adult learners are defined as individuals who do not have an active study right at a Finnish higher education institution. This includes, for example, working professionals, unemployed, people outside the workforce, high school students, and vocational school students. University postgraduate students apply as adult learners.

In FITech, a degree student refers to an individual who has an active study right and is currently pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or polytechnic degree at a Finnish higher education institution.

How to find information about courses

All FITech courses can be found on our website. Course-specific information, such as the scope of the course (study credits, ECTS) and its schedule can be found on each course’s own course page. Find all FITech courses here.


Further information and contact

More information about FITech Network University and FITech studies can be found on our website.

You can reach the FITech team also by sending an email to info(at)