FITech Wind Power

Renewable energy plays an important role in the green transition and the wind power industry needs skilled professionals.

FITech Wind Power program is a good fit for those working in the wind power industry and those looking to transition into it. The free training is available until spring 2025. Read more from the FITech Wind Power flyer (pdf).

The program includes a great variety of different wind power related content, such as a webinar, workshop, networking event, and various courses. Some of the content is available in Finnish and some in English. Explore the content on this page and apply soon! The spots are limited.


Career coaching, courses, and networking opportunities

  • Webinar on wind power career opportunities on May 16, 2024. Read more or watch the recording on YouTube.
  • Tutustu tuulivoima-alaan course by the Wind Power Association (in Finnish), free for FITech students in August 2024 and February 2025. A maximum of 12 FITech students will be selected for the course. Application period: 5.6.-2.8.2024. Read more and apply.
  • Workshop on study skills for goal-oriented learning while working, scheduled for fall 2024.
  • Networking event – details will be announced later.


FITech Wind Power university courses for adult learners

  • Renewable energy engineering, 3 ECTS, Aalto University. Online course in summer 2024. Application period closed on 3.6.2024. Read more.
  • Wind power engineering and development, 3 ECTS, Aalto University. Online course in autumn 2024. Up to 25 adult learners will be selected based on a motivation letter. Application period: 5.6.-23.8.2024. Read more and apply.
  • New energy technologies, 5 ECTS, Åbo Akademi. Online course in spring 2025, open to everyone.


Other courses to explore

You will also find a wide range of related courses under FITech Hydrogen and FITech Energy Storage.


How to apply for FITech Wind Power courses and events

Applications for all university courses are submitted via the FITech application form on Opintopolku. Applicants must include a motivational letter with their application for the Renewable Energy Engineering and Wind Power Engineering and Development courses. Applications will be processed after the application deadline. Applications without a motivational letter will not be considered.



The training has been funded by the European Union’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), which is the key instrument of the EU’s Recovery Facility (NextGenerationEU). The financing has been granted by the Service Centre for Continuous Learning and Employment. The Service Centre promotes the competence development of working-age people and the availability of skilled labour. The operations of the Service Centre are overseen by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

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