Do you want to learn something new next spring? Or maybe update your current skills and knowledge?

You can do both on FITech courses!

The digitalisation of society and working life is happening at the speed of light. Digital skills have become an inseparable part of modern working life skills, and this requires a shift of thinking from all of us.

FITech offers a low threshold for learning something new because studying on FITech courses doesn’t cost anything. In addition to this, the courses are of very high quality as they are part of the study offering of Finnish universities of technology. You can get to know a new subject on a beginner level course or deepen your knowledge on intermediate or advanced courses.

We offer altogether over 150 courses in ICT, 5G technology and energy storages from nine Finnish universities. Many courses are arranged as online courses and MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) but in many cases, there is an option to participate in contact teaching on the university campus.

The application period starts on Monday 7 November at 12 pm and the application deadline is about a week before the start date of each course. The first courses of spring 2023 start on the second week of January which means that the last day to apply for these courses is on New Year’s Day.

Read more and apply to all courses on our Studies page!

Read more about studying on FITech courses.


Find a course from our extensive offering

FITech study offering next spring features both new and previously seen courses.

You can find several new MOOCs on accessibility by Tampere University. We encourage to start with the course Fundamentals of accessibility (5 ECTS) and then move forward to smaller (1 ECTS) courses, each covering a different aspect of accessibility. Get to know all the courses around this topic here.

Another one of our new MOOCs is Introduktion till informationsteknologi which will give you a presentation of information technology in Swedish. Get to know the course here.

Here are some course picks based on popular topics:


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

Information security


Leadership and project management

User interfaces and usability

5G technology


Read more and apply to all courses on our Studies page!