Learn a new language

Would you like to complement your language skillset with languages such as Python, Java, C++ or Dart?

They’re a bit different from other foreign languages we are more familiar with. Learning different programming languages is useful in many situations; whether you want to make programming a career for yourself or just develop your programming mindset and thus your understanding of the modern technology that is affecting us through out surroundings.

But which programming language is worth learning? When choosing the language that suits you, you can at least consider the following points:

  • Your own learning goals
  • Learning preferences (independent study or face-to-face learning)
  • Ease of syntax, i.e. ease of writing the language
  • Needs and prevalence in working life

You can learn different programming languages on university courses free of charge through FITech Network University.

Below you can find all the different programming languages offered through FITech.

Python is allegedly the most widely used programming language worldwide, and it is also widely used and required in the working life. It also has an easy-to-learn syntax, making it a good choice as a first programming language to learn.

Johdatus ohjelmointiin Johdatus ohjelmointiin

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Ohjelmointi Pythonilla Ohjelmointi Pythonilla

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Ohjelmoinnin alkeet Ohjelmoinnin alkeet

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Programming 1: Introduction to programming Programming 1: Introduction to programming

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Ohjelmoinnin perusteet Ohjelmoinnin perusteet

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Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1 Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1

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JavaScript should not be confused with another programming language Java of almost the same name, as they have little in common other than their syntax. JavaScript is used specifically for web development. It can be used to build interactive web pages and to improve their user experience, among other things.

Introduction to web programming Introduction to web programming

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Web software development Web software development

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Människocentrerad design Människocentrerad design

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Web development 1 – Programming Web development 1 – Programming

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Software development skills: Front-end Software development skills: Front-end

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HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the programming language used to build the structure and elements of web pages, such as headings, listings, links and images. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), on the other hand, focuses on the stylistic elements of pages. CSS tells web pages how to display colours, positions and fonts, for example. If you work with websites, for example as a content producer or an e-commerce administrator, you should know the basics of these languages.

Web software development Web software development

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Introduction to web programming Introduction to web programming

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Människocentrerad design Människocentrerad design

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Web development 1 – Programming Web development 1 – Programming

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The C language was developed in the 1970s, making it the oldest programming language still in use. The C programming language is still used for many purposes, including system programming, software testing and application development. The C language has inspired the PHP programming language, which is widely used for coding websites.

Ohjelmointi C-kielellä Ohjelmointi C-kielellä

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C++ is a programming language built on top of C. New features, such as classes, have been added to make it well suited for object oriented programming. C++ can be used to create games and various applications. The back-end of Spotify, Adobe Photoshop, YouTube and many other popular applications are implemented in C++.

Programming 2: Structures Programming 2: Structures

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Object oriented programming with C++ Object oriented programming with C++

Read more about the course here

Other programming languages

FITech also offers individual courses in many other programming languages, which you can find below.

Sources (in Finnish):